Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Institute of Medicine (IOM) Youth Concussions Project

Description of Collaborative Activity:

This project began from interest among members of the Institute of Medicine (IOM)/National Research Council (NRC) Board on Children, Youth, and Families (BCYF) in developing a new activity focused on the topic of sports concussions in youth. A series of conference calls were held in early March 2010 focused on the health and educational issues associated with concussions/mild brain trauma among school-ages populations. The IOM first wanted to explore the need for a workshop or study that could identify key research findings, examine current policies and programs, and offer informed guidance for clinical practices, sports management, and educational settings. Congressional staff have also expressed interest in encouraging IOM to conduct a research review in this area, comparable to the 2002 IOM workshop on the consequences of head impact in youth soccer. To date: 1) IOM has secured funds for "planning meeting" towards a workshop; 2) IOM invites NICHD to attend a planning for the planning meeting on October 1, 2010; and 3) IOM in interested is securing funds for workshop.

Type of Collaborative Activity:


Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: