Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Federal Investigator Registry of Biomedical Information Research (FIREBIRD)

Description of Collaborative Activity:

An agreement has been reached by the FDA and the NCI to manage and share information about clinical investigators using the Federal Investigator Registry of Biomedical Information Research Data, or FIREBIRD, system. Drug makers are encouraged to also submit information about investigators electronically to the new registry. FIREBIRD is the first module of an expected suite of software programs that will comprise a system called the Clinical Research Information Exchange (CRIX). CRIX is intended to support the biomedical and biopharmaceutical research community by streamlining the document and data exchange process. The resulting reduction of paperwork is expected to increase the efficiency and lower the cost of conducting clinical trials.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

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Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


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