Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Microsystems Team

Description of Collaborative Activity:

The NIH has identified a critical need for improved model systems to predict efficacy, safety, bioavailability, and toxicology outcomes for candidate therapeutics. This NIH FOA, supported by funds from the NIH Common Fund and participating NIH Institutes and Centers, invites applications for projects that will develop accurate cellular and organ microsystems representative of human physiology for the evaluation of drug efficacy and toxicity. By definition, these cellular and organ microsystems will have a multicellular architecture representing the characteristics and functions of the tissue of origin and will demonstrate a reproducible and viable operation under physiological conditions over a long culture period. It is anticipated that these bio-engineered human tissue models could lead to the development and commercialization of microsystems that will enable rapid and high fidelity evaluation of safety and efficacy for candidate therapeutics.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

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Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: