Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

NEXT Generation Health Study - Health Behavior in School-Age Children

Description of Collaborative Activity:

NEXT is a 7-year longitudinal assessment of a representative sample of U.S. adolescent and young adults, starting when they are in the 10th grade. The goals of the NEXT longitudinal study include: to identify the trajectory of adolescent health status and health behaviors from mid-adolescence through the post high school years; to examine individual predictors of the onset of key adolescent risk behaviors and risk indicators during this period; to identify genetic, personal, family, school, and social/environmental factors that provide or sustain positive health behaviors; to identify transition points in health risk and risk behaviors and changes in family, school, and social/environmental precursors to these transitions, and to examine the role of potential gene-environment interactions in the development of health status and health behaviors.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

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Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


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