Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

U.S. Government Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology Environmental, and Health Implications (NEHI), of the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Subcommittee (NSET) of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)

Description of Collaborative Activity:

The NSET Subcommittee and NEHI Working Group provide leadership in establishing the national nanotechnology environmental, health, and safety research agenda and in communicating data and information related to environmental and health aspects of nanotechnology between National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) agencies and with the public. NNI activities support the development of new tools and methods required for the research that will enable risk analysis and assist in regulatory decision-making. NNI agencies engage and interact with regional, state, and local groups, educational institutions, industry-supported groups, and non-governmental organizations to enhance the impact and value of NNI efforts and to provide a collaborative approach.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

Advisory Group

Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: