Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Interactive Publications

Description of Collaborative Activity:

NLM collaborated with the CDC National Center for Health Statistics to convert the CDC's "Health US in Brief" to interactive form, which can be viewed using NLM's Panorama software. In addition, another important document was converted to interactive form--a Data Brief called Death in the United States. Interactive Publications are scientific multimedia documents that give readers more information from an article than is available in the published form (electronic or print) by enabling interaction with the included media (tables, graphs, images, videos, biomedical image studies, etc.). NLM conducts research into models for highly interactive multimedia documents that could transform the next generation of publishing in biomedicine. We focus on the standards, formats, authoring and reading tools necessary for the creation and use of such interactive publications that, in addition to text, contain media objects relevant to biomedical research and clinical practice: video, audio, bitmapped images, interactive tables and graphs, and clinical digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) images such as x-rays, CT, MRI, and ultrasound.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

Resource Development

Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: