Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Tox21 - Memorandum of Understanding on High Throughput Screening, Toxicity Pathway Profiling, and Biological Interpretation of Findings

Description of Collaborative Activity:

This Memorandum of Understanding sets in place mechanisms to strengthen existing collaborations in the research, development, validation, and translation of new and innovative test methods that characterize key steps in toxicity pathways. This includes the exploration of high throughput screening assays and tests using phylogenetically lower animal species as well as high throughput whole genome analytical methods, to evaluate mechanisms of toxicity. Ultimately, the data generated by these new tools is to be provided to risk assessors to use in the protection of human health and the environment. Success is expected to result in test methods for toxicity testing that are more scientifically and economically efficient and models for risk assessment that are more biologically based.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

Research Initiative

Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: