Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Pediatric Device Consortia Grant Program

Description of Collaborative Activity:

FDA funds consortia which provide expert advising and support services to innovators of children's devices. These services include business and regulatory consulting, as well as device testing capabilities. Specific areas of expertise provided by the consortia include intellectual property advising; prototyping; engineering; laboratory and animal testing; grant-writing; and clinical trial design. A successful Pediatric Device Consortium brings together individuals and institutions that can support pediatric medical device progression through all stages of developmentā€”concept formation, prototyping, preclinical, clinical, manufacturing, marketing, and commercialization. The consortia are expected to support a mix of projects at all stages of development, particularly the later stages of clinical, manufacturing, and marketing. To accomplish this work, the consortia unite individuals, groups, or institutions to provide the following capabilities: knowledge of the clinical needs for pediatric devices, business planning, regulatory advising, intellectual property protections and other legal expertise, as well as scientific, engineering, pre-clinical, and clinical capabilities. This program is intended to further the development of multiple pediatric devices; thus, grants are not awarded to support the development of a single device project. Although administered by the Office of Orphan Products Development, this grant program is intended to encompass devices that could be used in all pediatric conditions and diseases, not just rare diseases.

Type of Collaborative Activity:


Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: