Title of Collaborative Activity: |
HRSA Advancing Precision Medicine (HRSA APM) |
Description of Collaborative Activity: |
In 2018, HRSA awarded $456K to 40 HRSA FQHCs to work on engagment activites and EHR sharing for AoU. The period of performance ran through SEptember 2020 with some FQHCs operating on a No Cost Extension through December 2020. NIH continues to meet with HRSA monthly to discuss the potential for future opportunities to add FQHCs to the All of Us Research Program. |
Type of Collaborative Activity: |
Committee, Advisory Group, or Work Group
Year the Collaborative Activity Originated: |
2017 |
NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director: |
OD/AoU |
HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: |