Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

Supporting the Whole Student: Mental Health and Well-Being in STEMM Undergraduate and Graduate Education

Description of Collaborative Activity:

A Committee, convened by the National Academy of Sciences, conducted a study of the ways in which colleges and universities provide treatment and support for the mental health and well-being of undergraduate and graduate students, with a focus on students enrolled in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) courses. The Committee reviewed data and findings and conferred with experts in the mental health field, to gain an understanding of the resources, programs, policies, and practices geared to improving mental health in colleges and universities. The Committee published a report in January 2021, detailing their findings and recommendations for improving resources, programs, policies, and practices.

Type of Collaborative Activity:

Committee, Advisory Group, or Work Group

Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:


NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:


HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: