Collaboration Details

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Title of Collaborative Activity:

HDPulse Dissemination and Adaptation Working Group

Description of Collaborative Activity:

This working group was established to promote the dissemination of the NIMHD HDPulse interventions portal and its adaptation to include the HHS Office of Minority Health's (OMH) evidence-informed practices. Building on OMH's efforts to disseminate and spread evidence-informed practices and NIMHD's development and maintenance of HDPulse, this working group is expected to achieve the following outcomes: Identification and dissemination of health equity-promoting evidence-informed practices, particularly those focused on addressing racial and ethnic health disparities, through HDPulse Increased awareness and utilization of HDPulse, including health equity-promoting interventions in the Interventions Portal, by government agencies, organizations, and practitioners serving racial and ethnic minority populations

Type of Collaborative Activity:

Resource Development

Year the Collaborative Activity Originated:

NIH Participating Institutes/Centers/Office of the Director:

HHS Agency Collaborators on this Activity: